Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Use of Digital Video and Media to Enhance Learning

I did my WoW project presentation based on the use of digital video and media to enhance learning. I decided to use Google PowerPoint to present my information because it is very easy and convenient to use. I also decided to incorporate some web 2.0 tools that I have learned these past few weeks, including wordle, tagxedo,  xtranormal, images and youtube videos to enhance my presentation.  I organized the information by giving a definition of the topic, explaining how to use it and why to use it. I tried to very clear and organized in each of my slides.

Here is the link to my WoW presentation. Enjoy!

Teaching and Learning with Technology

This video was developed by the Pleasant Ridge School District and shows their system for establishing a model for how their teachers collaborate and use technology in the classroom.  They developed a computer lab with a smartboard where teachers could readily use technology and multimedia in the classroom.  One of the teachers in the school took the initiative to teach the other teachers how to use the system and to run the computer lab.  The teachers at the school got together and collaborated on ways to incorporate technology and multimedia in their lessons.  Overall, they have found the system very successful.  The students, parents and teachers all love it. 

After taking TWT and learning how important it is to use technology in the classroom, I found this video to be encouraging. One thing I have worried about is how older teachers, who are clear digital immigrants, will take to the use of technology in the classroom.  This video showed a number of older teachers who were extremely enthusiastic about the use of technology in the classroom.  Pleasant Ridge only had a single computer lab, so teachers had to share time in it.  I hope to be able to teach in a classroom with a smartboard that has multiple computers or iPads available for my students to use.  The more I can incorporate technology into the classroom, the more my students will learn and the greater their computer skills will be (Computer skills are almost essential in the 21st Century to find a job).  

21st Century Classroom

 The 21st Century classroom is very different than the classroom that most of people would recognize, even in schools today.  Everything is trending towards the greater use of technology in schools, and the days of chalkboards, paper, and pencils are disappearing.  This is a positive development, because using modern technology eliminates the need for lots of paperwork, makes the classroom more fun, and reaches children that may not be able to learn effectively from traditional teaching methods.  As a teacher, I always have to keep in my mind what my students, 21st century students who are digital natives, are really like.  They typically love and use technology on a daily basis.  All children need to know how to use modern technology effectively and schools may be the only opportunity for some students to be exposed to technology.  Also, since computers, email, iPads, and the internet are often so familiar to students, these are the tools they want to use to learn with.  I cannot wait to get my own classroom where I can incorporate technology, and perhaps I can be one of the teachers that helps move my school entirely into the 21st Century. 

For more information, watch this video.

Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling is a presentation tool that teachers can have their students use in the classroom.  It involves students developing clips that are a couple of minutes long with a narrative that is told in the students own voice.  The narrative is then played over a background musical track (to add emotional tone to the presentation) and is illustrated with still images.  I believe that Digital Storytelling is a great way to allow students to show their creativity, and it may also help students be more comfortable with presentations if they fear public speaking.  It would also allow students to use some of the newest forms of technology and to incorporate digital media into their work.

To learn more about Digital Storytelling, click this link to view a slideshow by Dr. Helen Barrett. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Discover Information Literacy

Information literacy is a term that describes a person’s ability to determine what needs to be investigated, locate required information on that topic, analyze it, and come to a conclusion.  The entire process should be as efficient as possible.  Achieving information literacy allows people to analyze and interpret the information they find in a meaningful way.  It is so easy to get bogged down in the details and vast amount of information available on the web.  I have personally had this happen to me several times when writing reports and preparing presentations for some of my other classes at the Mount.  I start doing research on a topic and at times the sources of information can feel like they are endless.  I would end up spending so much time reviewing articles, journal entries and research papers and would get so bogged down with information that I would not know where to start actually writing.  After getting more practice, I was better able to filter through the sources and could proceed with writing a paper more efficiently.  This one example from my life goes to the heart of the need to achieve information literacy. 

Following the DISCOVER methodology can help develop information literacy.
D – Define
I – Inquire
S – Search
C – Collect
O – Organize
V – Verify
E - Express
R – Reflect

For more information on information literacy and the DISCOVER methodology, watch this video 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Personal Website

Today I finished my personal website. I was very pleased with the outcome.  To create my website I used www.weebly.com. I found it extremely easy to use and the features were just what I was looking for.  I would suggest this site to anyone looking to start a website.  I was able to create a blog where I posted some of the assignments that I have completed for my Teaching With Technology class.  I also created pages that contained my philosophy of teaching with technology, some educational videos, and some of my favorite Web 2.0 tools.  Please follow this link and take a look when you get a chance.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Digital Life Parent/ Teacher Intro Video

The digital literacy video is powerful.  It shows real adolescents and their point of view on the internet and its uses for communication.  I found it very informative on the state of children and their views on being safe on the internet.  Some of the students absolutely loved communication tools like Facebook and the anonymity it can provide you.  Others were wary of this anonymity.  It is important for teachers and parents to understand what children in general are thinking about the internet.  That way they will be better prepared to speak to their students or children about safety issues on the web.  Parents and teachers need to understand that children are totally hooked into the digital world and it is everywhere in their lives, and also that they are not going to be able to stop children from the use of technology and communication on the web. 

I feel it is very important for parents to teach children the importance of how to communicate online.  They need to remember that everything they say and do leaves a digital footprint, and that what they do can come back to haunt them.  I also feel it is important to let children know from an early age that activities like cyber bullying are not to be tolerated. 

It is also important to teach students the importance of proper usage of information on the web.  They need to understand that they cannot just “copy and paste” anything and everything they want.  Students need to be aware of copyright infringement, plagiarism, and that much of the information on the web is incorrect or fraudulent (anyone can develop a website that says anything). 

Click on the link above to view the video on digital literacy.