Thursday, June 14, 2012

Evaluating Web Sites Criteria

This link provides a checklist that can be helpful for evaluating a web source and determining if its content should be used and trusted.  This checklist can come in very handy when developing presentations or reports.  Often times, web searches can lead to all different types of websites that may contain the information you are looking for.  However, you want to reference websites whose information and author is reputable.  For example, if you are looking for information for a history paper on the American Revolution, it is better to use a page authored by a university professor’s official site on his university web server than something like “Dan’s American Revolution Webpage.”  The first page is clearly a highly reputable source, whose information is likely well supported and referenced. The second page is something that could be made by anyone and there is no good way to verify its information.  Like the evaluation criteria webpage says, “Anyone can publish anything on the web.” 


  1. Great resources! It is so important for students to know which sites are credible and which are not. Thanks for sharing the checklist!

  2. Exactly! Especially for when they have to do some research!
