Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Do Schools Kill Creativity?

Ken Robinson says that we are killing our children’s creativity by the way we are educating them. I agree with him that the present school system rarely allows students to be creative, but rather teaches them to repeat information that they are told and to follow rules. The present education system is based mostly on memorization and just repeating information provided by teachers. I feel the only places that they can be creative are in art or music, where they are allowed to do their own thing more. Students should be able to take their learning into their own hands in other subjects as well. For example instead of simply going through a history book, a teacher could ask each student to choose a historical topic from a specific time period that interests them and present information on that topic to the class. The students could become each other’s teachers. It would allow the students to learn and develop information based on something that interests them, and would allow them to be creative in their manner of presenting this information. Through modern technology, the resources to students for such a presentation are virtually endless and provide them even more opportunities to be creative. For more information, watch this video!

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