Friday, June 1, 2012

Instant Messaging (IM)

One communication tool that would be very efficient for me to use in a Spanish classroom would be IM (Instant messaging). This communication tool can be used for students to engage in discussion. This would be great to set up a classroom chat to exchange ideas and thoughts, and also to practice Spanish writing.  They can participate in conversations in Spanish as part of homework assignments with each other and provide printouts of the conversations for their grade.  This will allow me to assess my student’s grammar and written communication skills. Such an assignment would be ideal for higher level Spanish students.  Instant messaging would also allow students to collaborate on projects or assignments by sending pictures, files, or videos.  Instant messaging is also a very easy to use tool and convenient for students, since there are a number of instant messaging services available for free on the internet.

For a good description of the benefits of instant messaging, look here!

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