Friday, June 15, 2012

Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship consists of behaviors with regards to the use of technology that are responsible and appropriate.  This link leads to a description of the nine themes of digital citizenship.  After reviewing all nine themes, a couple really stood out to me.

The first theme that stood out to me was “Digital Etiquette.”  Digital etiquette consists of the appropriate conduct for the use of technology.  This is a big pet peeve of mine.  I cannot count how many times I have been in a movie and the person next to me is texting on their cell phone or looking on the internet.  I also find it inappropriate when people are talking on their cell phones loudly without any regard for the people around them and the fact that they do not want to hear their conversation or be disturbed by loud bursts of laughter, etc.   These types of behavior are just rude.  Yes, the technology that we have these days is amazing and so beneficial, but there is a time and place to use them and people need to take into consideration how their technology use can impact other people in society. 

The second theme that stood out to be was “Digital Commerce.”  Digital commerce is the electronic buying and selling of goods and is something that I participate in often.  I enjoy going online and shopping for clothes or shoes right in the convenience of my own home.  I am aware though that there are a lot of questionable sites and activities that can be consumed online, and am always cognizant to deal with only reputable sites.

To learn more about being a good digital citizen, click here. 

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